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10 Critical Skills You Need To Become A Successful Java Developer

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 6:00 PM EDT. August 9, 2022.


Java development is a highly sought-after skill in the job market today. It's no surprise; because it's one of the most flexible and widely used languages out there. In fact, according to StackOverflow, Java is the top programming language used by software engineers. Java developers are in high demand and highly paid. The demand for Java developers is expected to grow 9% by 2024.

There are hundreds of developers who know every single line of code in Java, but no one can use it to its full potential. The ability to be an effective Java developer is essentially a combination of many skills and qualities, which makes knowing them all essential for your career.

In today's hyper-competitive tech job market, success is almost entirely dependent on the quality and quantity of skills you possess. The Java programming language and its ecosystem are no different. If you want to be recognized as a Java developer, you need to make sure that your Java skill set is as strong as possible. In this article, I'm going to share with you 10 critical skills every Java developer should possess.

What is Java Development?

Java is the most popular programming language in the world and has been around for over 30 years. Millions of programmers around the globe use it to build applications for different platforms like Android, iOS, Windows and Linux. Java is a programming language that's used to create applications and websites. It has many different uses, but it's most often used in conjunction with JavaScript or HTML5 web development languages like PHP or Python.

A brief history about Java: Java was first developed by James Gosling and Bill Joy at Sun Microsystems in the 1990s. It became one of the most popular programming languages because it was fast and easy to use. The best thing about Java is that it can be used to develop both web and desktop applications.

Java is an object-oriented programming language, which means it uses objects instead of data structures (such as arrays or lists) to store data in memory. Java can also be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs). This makes it easy for developers to create GUIs without having to learn how to code them from scratch.

Java has many advantages over other languages including C++, Python, Ruby, PHP and Perl, because it offers more features than those languages while being much simpler to use. Another advantage of using Java is that it can be used on any operating system such as Windows, Mac OS X or Linux without requiring any changes in your code or installation process. Java is also known for its ability to run on multiple platforms (such as mobile devices) without requiring any additional software or hardware components.


The Java Development Kit (JDK) includes a compiler, class libraries and tools that support the development of Java applications on various platforms. The JDK also contains an interpreter that can be used to run programs written in Java.

Because Java is one of the most widely used programming languages on the web today, it is essential to deeply understand it in order to have successful career in tech. But simply knowing how to write Java code isn't enough. You also need to know how to develop applications using it from writing code for individual elements of an application to designing reusable components for reuse in different projects across multiple platforms.

If you want to learn how to become a successful Java developer, here are some skills that will help:

1. Quality Testing

Quality testing is the process of verifying that your code meets certain requirements. It's not just about making sure you didn't break anything, or that everything works as expected.

A good quality test will help ensure that your code:

  • Is properly documented and well-written

  • Does what it says on the box (or in this case, on a screen)

  • Demonstrates thoughtfulness and consideration for other people who may be using it.

2. Code Reuse

Code reuse is a critical skill for any developer, but it’s especially important for you if you want to become a successful Java developer. In fact, according to Stack Overflow survey results from 2016 and 2017 (the latest data available), 84% of developers reuse code in their projects at least once per week.

Unfortunately, many developers don't consider how important it is for them or their teams when they think about reusing existing libraries instead of writing new ones from scratch every time they need something new.

3. Logging and Debugging

Logging and debugging are essential skills for any developer. Logging should be done at the right level, in the right place, and in the right way.

Logging must be done at an appropriate level you don’t want to log everything! The log files can get very large if you have too many events logged. You should also consider what information should go into your logs (e.g., whether you are logging errors or warnings). If there are only a few things that need logging each day, then spending time finding good locations for them might not be worth it—but if there are many issues happening every day on your application then finding good locations may become critical.

Logging needs to happen in real-time; otherwise, we wouldn't know when something happened or why it happened until later on when we do some analysis (or worse yet—when another developer tries to fix something). This means that all instances where code changes occur should send notifications immediately upon completion instead of waiting until later so everyone else knows about it too.

4. Understand the Java Memory Model

The Java Memory Model is the foundation for all other aspects of the language. It dictates how objects are stored and accessed, including how they can be created, modified and destroyed. Understanding this model will allow you to understand how your code will behave in different situations and make sure that your code is efficient enough to run on any platform or architecture.

Understanding the Memory Model offers several benefits:

  • You'll understand which methods call other methods - for example, if one method calls another that accesses its parameter directly rather than storing them into variables beforehand then we call this "private visibility". the same region (such as when using Arrays).

  • You'll understand which methods call other methods - for example, if one method calls another that accesses its parameter directly rather than storing them into variables beforehand then we call this "private visibility".

5. Database Access Layers

The first layer is the JDBC API. This is a low-level API that lets you connect to databases and perform queries, insert data into tables, etc.

The second layer is JPA (Java Persistence API). It allows you to store your data in the database using Java objects rather than SQL statements.

The third layer is JDO (Java Data Objects). It’s an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java applications that use relational databases or NoSQL databases such as Hibernate ORM or Spring Data REST.

The fourth layer is JCA (Java Cryptography Architecture). It provides security services such as encryption and decryption of sensitive information stored in Java objects by encrypting this information before storing it into a database through cryptographic operations performed by CryptoObjectFactory instances created when needed during runtime instead of having them prebuilt beforehand like some other languages do where users need only import libraries from external sources before being able to start using them once installed onto their system(s).


6. Building RESTful Web Services

RESTful web services are a way to create APIs. They use HTTP as the communication protocol, and they’re built on top of it. RESTful web services use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) with XML or JSON payloads for data interchange.

RESTful web services also use standard status codes: 200 OK means “success”; 400 Bad Request indicates an error in the request; 500 Internal Server Error occurs when something goes wrong with your code; 503 Service Unavailable indicates that you can't connect to the end-point server at this time; 404 Not Found means that there was no result returned by a specific endpoint but perhaps another resource exists (like a database record).

7. OSGi programming

OSGi is a modular software architecture that governs the deployment and maintenance of software components. It's also one of the most popular technologies for developing and deploying modular applications, so you can use it to build your own Java-based systems.

OSGi is an open source framework for developing and deploying modular applications by defining bundles (called modules). A bundle can be anything from a library or collection of classes that you want to share with other developers but are not necessarily related to each other in any way. For example: if I'm writing an application that uses some sort of database system, I might want my code base separate from any code used by this particular database system—but still related enough so that its APIs can be reused across different systems like MySQL or SQLite.


8. Object Serde

Object serialization is the process of converting your object into one or more streams. These streams can be sent to a remote server or stored in memory for later use. Object de-serialization is the reverse of this process: converting those streams back into an object and returning it from your program’s memory.

Serde uses these two concepts together to provide you with a standard library for performing object serialization/deserialization on any type that implements Serializable and Externalizable interfaces (which includes all primitive types as well as instances of objects).

9. Logging

Log4j is one such log aggregation framework which provides an easy way to manage logs across multiple applications or servers. It has been around for years now, but if you are new to this technology then there might be some confusion about what exactly it does and how does it work behind the scenes. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at how Log4j works by explaining its features and benefits using examples from real life projects (if possible).

Logging is a very important part of Java development and it can be done in many ways. The most important thing is to have a good logging framework that will help you in your day-to-day work.

Log4j is one such log aggregation framework which provides an easy way to manage logs across multiple applications or servers. It has been around for years now, but if you are new to this technology then there might be some confusion about what exactly it does and how does it work behind the scenes. In this article we'll take an in-depth look at how Log4j works by explaining its features and benefits using examples from real life projects (if possible).

10. Multi-threading, concurrency, and thread pooling.

Multi-threading is the ability to run multiple threads of control within a single program. This means that you can have several programs running concurrently at the same time, which makes it easier for your code to execute tasks quickly and efficiently.

Concurrency is the ability to run multiple programs at the same time. If your application needs more than one thread for processing data, it's likely that your application will become more responsive when using concurrency instead of just locking up when performing tasks on all available resources (your computer).

Thread pooling allows you to better utilization of resources by creating pools of threads that can be reused instead of creating new ones each time they're needed; this saves memory and CPU cycles because there isn't any wasted space in memory until these unused threads are used again later down the road when someone else requests them through their own application logic (like requesting another piece of information from an API).

In Conclusion:

This is a list of skills that you should learn when becoming a Java developer. In the first 3 years of your career as a developer, many people would tell you that it doesn't matter what technology they use in their day-to-day work because they are only focusing on solving one problem at a time. But this isn't true! You need to be able to understand all kinds of programming languages, frameworks, libraries and toolsets so that when someone asks for help with their project they can actually provide them with real results instead of just sending them another blank stare every time something goes wrong (which happens more often than not).

In this article, we've discussed many of the skills that are required for a successful Java developer. Now, the next step is to start learning more about these skills and how they can be applied in your day-to-day work as a programmer. As you learn more about these concepts, it will become easier for you to create effective solutions for problems that come up on projects at work or elsewhere in life.

One of the easiest ways to break into IT or transition into the tech world is to have cutting-edge and high-in-demand skills, and Java development is at the top of that list. At BusyQA, we offer a tailored and streamlined course curriculum and highly experienced instructors. You are just one click away from up-skilling your abilities and landing a highly in-demand career in tech. Best of all, our paid internships help you land your dream job with Canada's top 100 companies. If you are interested in learning more about Java development, click here to find out more.

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