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How To Become A Web Developer without a Degree: A Step-By-Step Guide.

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 4:00 PM EDT. June 10, 2022.

web developer skills

Yes, you read that title right. In this article, we’re going to tell you how to become a developer without a university or college degree.

Developers are in high demand, and there is a huge shortage of developers. If you've been thinking about becoming a web developer, this article is for you.

Developers are the backbone of the digital economy. They’re responsible for creating websites, apps and other digital products that people use every day.

The web developer's salary is pretty good, too $100,000 per year isn’t uncommon. And on top of all that, there’s no shortage of jobs in this field.

If you have an eye for design and an interest in technology, web development could be a great career choice for you. Here’s everything you need to know about becoming a web developer:

Are you passionate about creating beautiful and compelling websites, but don't know where to begin? Don't despair, this article is here to help! If you want to learn web development, but aren't sure how, or if you've been trying to develop an understanding of web development best practices and techniques and would like a guide that can help show you the way then this post is for you.

With so many career paths, it is hard to choose one. One of the most well-paid careers is web development. It is a good idea to know how web development works and why it's so important if you want to be a great programmer. Even if you don't want to make programming your main job, knowledge of general IT solutions can come in handy in the future. After all, we are living in the century of computers.

how to become a web developer in 2022

Becoming a web developer is a big step. It requires lots of hard work and determination, but the payoff is worth it. With the right set of skills, you can land a high-paying job that gives you the freedom to work from home and travel the world.

The path to becoming a web developer is different for everyone. But most people take some combination of two routes: they either learn to code first or they go to school for a computer science degree.

If you want to learn how to code, there are many options available to you. You could take an online course, buy a book or attend an in-person class at your local community college or university. Some companies even offer free training that teaches basic coding skills and allows you to practice what you’ve learned before diving into more advanced topics.

If your goal is to become a software engineer and build apps for mobile devices or desktop computers, then earning an associate’s degree or bachelor's degree in computer science will put you on the right track toward success.

Being a web developer is not just about writing code. It's about working with people, solving problems, and having fun. We'll look at the skills you need to become a web developer, what it takes to succeed in this field, and some of the best resources to help you get started.

The demand for web developers is high, and there's no shortage of online courses and tutorials to help you get started. If you're considering becoming a web developer, this guide will help you learn what skills you'll need and how to get them.

What Are Web Developers?

web developer job

A web developer is someone who builds websites using different programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They also build applications for mobile devices like Android, iPhone or iPad. The role of a web developer has evolved over the years. They are now responsible for building not only websites but also applications for mobile devices.

The tools that you need to become a web developer keep changingbecause of technological advancements. In this article, we will be looking at the tools and technologies that are necessary to learn before you can become a good web developer.

Where Do Web Developers Work?

how to be a developer without a degree

Web developers can find jobs at startups or big companies alike, often working remotely from home or in coffee shops around town. Some may even be self-employed freelancers who contract out their services to clients on an ongoing basis -- this is common among web designers, who focus on making websites look pretty while leaving their clients' back-end coding up to a developer like themselves.

What Skills Do I Need To Become A Web Developer?

To become a web developer, you'll need some basic computer skills like typing and using programs like Microsoft Word or Excel (or Google Docs). You'll also want to know-how,

1. Know Your Basics (Learn to code)

Learning how to code is the first step on your journey to becoming a web developer. You can learn the basics by taking free online courses, but if you want to get more practical experience, consider enrolling in an immersive coding Bootcamp like BusyQA.

Becoming a web developer means knowing your way around HTML, CSS, JavaScript and server-side languages like PHP or Ruby on Rails. That's not all though there's a lot more that goes into being a good developer than knowing how to use specific languages. You also need to have a solid understanding of how computers work, as well as some business knowledge that will help you communicate effectively with clients and colleagues.

Javascript and HTML

2. Learn basic HTML and CSS coding

The first step to becoming a web developer is learning HTML and CSS coding. These two languages are essential for any aspiring developer because they are used in every aspect of web development: from creating simple pages to building complex apps and websites.

These are the two most basic languages that are used when creating websites. You don't have to learn them all at once though; just spend some time practising and learning each one separately until you feel comfortable enough to move on to the next step.

3. Master JavaScript and jQuery

JavaScript is a programming language used by most modern browsers (including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge). It allows developers to create interactive experiences on websites by adding things like animations and gestures. JavaScript also powers most of the popular apps you see today (like Facebook).

JavaScript is widely used in web development because it allows developers to add interactivity and functionality to their sites easily. This is also where jQuery comes into play it's a library of JavaScript code that makes coding even easier! jQuery allows developers to easily interact with JavaScript code without having to write new code every time they want something done differently on their website or app. Once you've learned these two languages and feel comfortable with them, then it's time for you to move on to the next step.

developer skills

4. Learn Client-Side Development

Client-side development refers to any code that runs in your browser; it's the opposite of server-side development which runs on the server itself (often via an API). The most popular client-side framework for building websites is JavaScript (JS), but there are other options like jQuery or AngularJS which are worth looking into if JS doesn't fit your needs (e.g., because it doesn't support SVG graphics).

front end developer skills

5. Learn PHP & MySQL

PHP is another very popular language that is used by many developers today; this particular language helps organize content on websites by making use of databases (like MySQL). It also makes it possible for developers to create dynamic pages that update automatically based on user input.

6. Find Your Passion

Make sure you're doing something you love because it's not just about getting a job — it's about building a career that can last for years. If you don't have a particular interest in programming or web development, find something else that excites you instead and pursue that instead!

7. Find A Job

If all goes well, after completing your coding Bootcamp and gaining some experience through side projects, you'll be ready for your first job as a web developer. The best way to do this is by applying directly to companies or agencies where your skills are needed and relevant — rather than applying through job boards or recruitment agencies. Remember, there are many different types of web developers out there; don't limit yourself!

Here are some common job titles
  • Front-End Developer – Creates the look and feel of the website by coding the pages for fonts, colours, images, buttons and other design aspects. Front-end developers often use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) as well as HTML (HyperText Markup Language). They may also use JavaScript, which allows them to add interactivity to their websites.

  • Back End Developer – Works with databases and servers that host websites. Back-end developers often use languages like PHP or Ruby on Rails (RoR). They also need knowledge of other languages like Java or C++ because they interact with these languages when working with databases and servers.

backend developer skills

Career Roadmap in Web development.

1-5 Years

  • Software Engineer

  • Senior Software Engineer

  • Salary: $60 - $110k

6-10 Years

  • Individual Contributor:

    • Staff Developer

    • Principle Developer

  • Management Track:

    • Developer Manager

    • Senior Developer Manager

  • Salary: $100 - $120K

15+ Years

  • Senior Developer Manager

  • Engineer Director

  • CTO

  • Salary: $120- $150K

There are no simple and straightforward paths to becoming a web developer. Becoming a web developer will require many hours of hard work and dedication, but it is not impossible to become one. The key is to start early, choose the right course of study and make sure you excel in all technical aspects that are part of a career in web development.

If you've ever thought about becoming a web developer, the time is now. The field is growing, evolving, and expanding at a rapid pace, and more jobs are opening up all the time. Whether you're interested in making websites for big companies, helping small businesses with their online presence, or creating your own independent projects, web development is for you.

At BusyQA, we offer web development training — along with many other highly desirable IT skills certifications — where our highly experienced instructors will show you the skills you need to excel in your tech career. Best of all, our programs come with paid co-op internships so that you graduate fully equipped with job experience — which will get you hired quickly. Click here to see the schedule.


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