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How To Start A Data Mining/Business Intelligence Career in 6 Easy Steps

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 5:00 PM EDT. September 30, 2022.


Starting a career in data mining/business intelligence can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling careers you will ever embark on in your life. It also can be one of the most challenging and frustrating! But if you're willing to take the plunge and put in some hard work and effort, it is possible to make this a rewarding career.

The opportunity for careers in data mining and business intelligence is nearly limitless. More than ever, IT is booming. Data mining and business intelligence will become even more important in the future as organizations are expected to leverage data more effectively.

A lot of business intelligence professionals have been there and done that. They've worked in a wide variety of jobs and jobs under different names, such as data mining, analytics, quantitative research and even business intelligence. But many of them failed to find their niche after leaving their positions - either because their numbers weren't adding up or because they felt it was too late to start a new career in the field.

If you're interested in a career in data science or business intelligence, there are many ways to get started. The best way to do this is by learning the fundamentals of these fields and then working your way up as an intern or volunteer. Once you have experience, find yourself a mentor who can guide your progress toward becoming an expert in the field.


Data mining, business intelligence (BI) and data science have become the buzzwords in business today. Organizations across the globe are trying hard to increase their profits using smart data analysis, machine learning and cloud computing technologies. But where do you start? A lot of job postings are being advertised on the internet every single day. You see some fascinating and exceptional resumes with a lot of achievements and awards in them. How do you stay competitive amongst so many talented applicants?

Data Mining: What Is It?


Data mining refers to the process of extracting insights from large amounts of unstructured text data — like unstructured email messages or customer service calls — using rules that are based on semantics rather than simple word matching alone.

Data mining can be used for a variety of purposes, including marketing automation and business intelligence — but most importantly it's an important part of any organization's digital transformation strategy.

Data mining is a field of study that aims to extract insights from data. This can be done by analyzing the data and finding patterns that help predict future outcomes or trends.

Data mining is not just about exploring your data but creating new products by applying these insights to your company's needs. The goal is to solve real-world problems through the use of computer science and mathematics.

Data mining is a fast-growing field, with a lot of people looking for jobs in this field. Many different companies are looking for people who have skills in data mining.

Why should you start a career in data mining?

Data mining is one of the fastest growing fields in the world today, with many high-paying jobs opening up for those who are prepared to learn new skills, work long hours and work hard. There are currently over 200 000 job openings worldwide for data miners! Data miners can earn anywhere between $50,000 - $100,000 per year (depending on their location).

How can you get started?

You need to become familiar with software such as SAS or R (which are both free), machine learning libraries such as Scikit-Learn or XGBoost (both paid), and text processing tools such as NLTK (paid). Once you have these tools under your belt, it's time to start learning about machine learning algorithms by reading books like "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Russell & Norvig or "Machine Learning" by Goodfellow & Ng.

Data mining is a fast-growing field, and it has the potential to provide you with a great career. However, it can be difficult to break into this industry because there are so many different tools and techniques out there. That's why I've put together this guide on how to start your data mining/BI career.

Step 1: Learn the basics of data warehousing

Data warehousing is the process of storing, managing and analyzing data. It’s different from data analytics because it involves using stored information to make decisions about trends or patterns in large sets of data.

Data warehousing can be used when organizational goals require accurate predictive modelling that helps improve business processes like product development or sales forecasting. By collecting more information into one centralized location, companies can get a better understanding of their customer's habits and needs before they buy something new on Amazon or Best Buy's website (which means you could save money).

Data warehousing also has many benefits:

  • It reduces errors by eliminating duplicate copies of records across multiple systems

  • It allows analysts to access updated versions of all relevant documents at any time without having them go through multiple steps just because there might be some changes made by someone else before they were updated - which would mean spending more time cleaning up old versions manually instead getting started with something new right away!

Step 2: Pick a tool

  • Hadoop is a popular open-source software framework for the analysis of data in large clusters.

  • R is a language for statistical computing and graphics that runs on many platforms, including UNIX, Mac OS X and Windows.

  • Python is an easy-to-learn programming language that can be used to write scripts or programs (called “apps”) that we can run anywhere from our laptops to supercomputers like IBM’s Blue Gene/Q or Cray computers.

  • Tableau Desktop Enterprise Edition gives users access to all of Tableau's business intelligence (BI) tools, including smart dashboards and reporting capabilities; it also includes enterprise features such as user authentication management system integration with Salesforce CRM so you don't have account access issues when working with multiple teams at once! It's perfect if this is your first experience using BI tools because it comes standard with enterprise features such as user authentication management system integration with Salesforce CRM so you don't have account access issues when working with multiple teams at once!

Step 3: Learn SQL

SQL is a powerful and widely used language for querying data. It's the standard language for databases, and it has been around since 1974.

SQL was created to replace set theory as an alternative to relational algebra to create tables that were easier for humans to work with than those created with set theory alone. In other words: it makes things easier!

SQL can be used for anything from basic reporting needs like counting rows or tracking changes over time (like "let’s see how many orders we have made this month") up to complex queries that involve multiple tables or constraints on variables (such as "the number of orders placed by John Smith should equal his total sales").

Step 4: Learn basic statistics

You've learned some data science, and you're ready to start analyzing it. But how do you get started?

If you're like most people who are just starting in this field, the first thing that comes to mind is: "What should I learn?" The answer is statistics! Statistics is the language of data science—and it's not just any old language; it's a language that can help you understand your data better, make better decisions based on what they mean (and don't mean), communicate insights with other people so they understand what's happening at an enterprise level—and even teach children about how numbers work. It's also a good foundation for learning more advanced topics like machine learning or deep learning (which we'll discuss later).

Step 5: Get some hands-on experience through personal projects

One of the best ways to get started in data mining and business intelligence is through personal projects. By taking on these types of tasks, you will learn how to use different tools, from Excel and R to Tableau and Cognos Analytics.

You can find many examples of these projects on the Data Mining for Beginners blog as well as other blogs like Machine Learning Mastery or Data Science Central. You may even have access to some resources at your school or workplace!

Step 6: Keep learning

Learning is the key to staying relevant. There are always new things to learn, so if you're not keeping up with the latest trends and technologies, then you'll be left behind.

You can learn about these things by reading about them or by attending conferences and seminars where experts in your field gather. You can also take classes at local universities or schools of business administration (also known as MBA programs). This way, even if it takes time for your company's data mining department to get off the ground, you'll have plenty of opportunities available to keep yourself trained on all things data mining related!

Bonus: Analytical skills are in high demand across industries.

You can have a fulfilling career in analytics without a university degree.

If you have strong analytical skills and want to work in business intelligence or data mining, there's hope for you yet! Businesses across industries are looking for people who can help them make better decisions based on their data. Whether it's analyzing customer behaviour patterns or predicting sales trends based on past performance, companies are always looking for ways to improve their operations with more information at their fingertips. This means there is plenty of opportunity for entry-level employees who have great skills in both programming languages (such as Python) and statistics/analytics tools like RStudio Online or Microsoft Excel—and may even have experience using some of these platforms before starting at the company itself!

Get Data Mining/Analytics Certifications

To get started in the field of data mining/business intelligence, you’ll need to take a certification course. These courses can be taken online or in person and are available for free on sites like BusyQA. Even if you don't have access to these platforms, there are many others available online that offer certification programs for various topics related to your career fields such as marketing analytics or advanced statistics.

Network With Other Industry Professionals

Networking is a great way to learn new things, keep your skills up to date, and find out about job opportunities. In the world of business intelligence, networking is essential for finding out about new developments in the industry and keeping your career moving forward. If you want to start a career as a data miner or business intelligence professional then you should be networking with other professionals in this field on a regular BAS regularly.

Data science and business intelligence are very rewarding career paths. These careers require a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you follow these steps, you can achieve your goals.

Data science is the study of data for use in decision-making or prediction. Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the use of BI tools to analyze and store information about business operations such as sales, production volume and so on. This information can then be used by managers to improve their overall performance as well as make better decisions based on it.


I hope this list of tips and resources will inspire you to get started on your data science or business intelligence career. When I started, it was hard to find the right path for myself. Thankfully, now many resources are available that make it easier to learn about how these careers work and what makes them interesting. If you’re interested in learning more about them then hopefully this article will help!

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