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The 7 Best Python Automation Testing Tools and Frameworks in 2022.

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 6:00 PM EDT. July 16, 2022.

Python automation testing

Automation testing is one of the hottest trends in software development over the past few years, and there are plenty of tools and frameworks to help you become a more effective automation tester.

Oftentimes, we at busyQA get different questions from our students and readers about Which framework is best for Python automation testing? Which automation tool is best for Python? Which framework is best for Selenium with Python?

In this guide, I'm going to feature the best Python automation testing tools and frameworks for you to use so that you can achieve better results for your projects.

Automation testing has been the backbone of many software development teams for a long time. This is especially true within Agile projects, continuous delivery and DevOps environments. Test automation has become an essential part of modern software development methodologies. As more companies turn to agile methodologies, more people find ways to save hours of manual testing by using automated testing tools and frameworks.

Automation testing is an essential component of software development and plays a key role in keeping your software secure. It is a process that checks the program logic against predefined rules to ensure it conforms to the required standards. You will find automation testing to be extremely helpful in developing highly functional applications.

With the increase in web applications and tools being developed, it's important that you create a fully functioning and maintainable code base. The code should be easy to test, but also robust and resilient. This becomes more difficult as each developer adds their own modifications to the original code base. How do you know if these modifications are actually going to break your application? This can be achieved with testing as automation is one of the best ways to go about this process.

What is Python Programming Language?

Python is an open-source programming language that is used for web development, data analysis, server writing and many other areas. Because of its wide range of applications Python has become the go-to language for many software companies because it offers stability, reliability and security.

Python is an object-oriented programming language and one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It has many libraries, frameworks and other tools that can help you develop better applications with easy-to-understand code. Python testing automation is one such tool that you can use to ensure your code is bug-free before releasing it into production. In this article, we will look at some of the best python automation testing tools available on the market today.

software-testing tools

Major Benefits of Using Python for Automation Testing.

  • Python is the most popular language when it comes to automation testing. It's also one of the easiest languages to learn because it's based on a simple, easy-to-understand syntax.

  • Python is an interpreted programming language and it runs on Linux, MacOSX, Microsoft Windows, BSD, Solaris and other operating systems.

  • There are many advantages of using Python for automation testing. Some of them include:

  • It's easy to write tests with Python as compared to other languages like Java or C++.

  • Python can be used for integration testing with other applications like web browsers or databases.

  • The code of Python is easy to understand because it follows a simple syntax which makes it easier for developers to read and understand the code written by them.

  • Python has an active community which provides support and resources for its users at any time they need them.

  • Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and interactive programming language. It’s designed to be easy to read and write, yet powerful.

  • Python has become one of the most popular languages for data science and machine learning. Python can be used for web applications, desktop apps, and mobile apps.

  • Python is easy to learn and use, but you can’t just pick up Python if you don’t know any other programming languages – it requires a strong foundation of understanding of how computer systems work. As such, it has many similarities with other programming languages like Java or C++ but also has unique features that make it stand out from the crowd.

Here are the very best Python automation testing tools and frameworks as of 2022:

1. Pytest


Pytest is a powerful testing framework for Python. It's one of the top choices among developers because it's simple to use and flexible enough to accommodate any kind of test scenario.

It features an easy-to-learn syntax that allows you to write test cases quickly without having to become a coding expert. And because it has no dependencies, it can run everywhere.

It also has built-in support for mocking objects so that tests can be run even if they have access to objects outside of their scope. This makes writing tests faster since you won't have to create stubs or mocks for every object used in your code base.

automation framework

Pytest is a mature, full-featured testing framework for Python. It's used for unit testing, functional testing and regression testing. You can use it with any programming language that supports the standard library (Python 2 or 3).

Pytest has two main components: test runners and frameworks. The test runner runs tests while they're being written; it gives you access to inputs and outputs from your code as well as information about how long each test takes to run. The framework supplies various tools for writing better tests: fixtures, results collection mechanisms and so on.

2. Robot Framework


Robot Framework is a Python-based test automation framework. It's designed to be a flexible, high-level testing framework that supports keyword-driven testing. In this approach, you write your tests in terms of test cases and suites with keywords as the driving force behind what happens when those tests are run.

Robert automation framework

Robot Framework was created by James Edward Gray II (who also wrote Selenium) and has been around since 2006! This means it has been around long enough to have seen significant development over time which means its features are often updated without requiring any major changes to the existing codebase(s).

3. Behave

Behave is a BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) framework for Python. It's based on Gherkin, the business readable language for specifying acceptance criteria.

Behave uses the cucumber-puppeteer library to run the tests in a headless browser, meaning you can run your automated tests without having an actual device or operating system installed on your computer. This makes it easier to test web applications that have been deployed on multiple platforms and locations because no matter which platform or location you're testing from, Behave will give you results based on what behaviour was expected along with any errors that were encountered during execution of that behaviour.

5. Lettuce

Lettuce is a Python testing tool that provides a higher-level API for writing tests. It provides a clean and simple testing API, with features such as automatic mocking, test templates and more. Lettuce is also built on top of the Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) framework to help make developing tests easier by providing clients with common BDD assertions like @given or @when.

Lettuce supports many popular Testing Frameworks like pytest, nose and unittest2 but it can be easily integrated with any workflow you prefer through plugins like pytest-plugin-lint, pylint , tox or cProfile.

6. PyATS

pyATS framework

pyATS is a python library for Automated Testing systems, which helps you automate your tests in Python. It also supports other languages like Ruby and Java. It supports multiple frameworks such as pytest, nose, unittest2 and others.

pyATSTools support continuous integration with Travis CI toolchain via Python Package Index (PyPI) repository or custom build system integration.

pyATS automation testing framework

7. PyUnit ( Python Unit Testing Framework)

PyUnit is the Python unit testing framework. It’s a simple and powerful testing tool, written in Python. PyUnit provides a robust infrastructure for writing automated tests for your code, with syntax that’s easy to learn and understand.

PyUnit is a mature software testing tool. It has been under development since 2004 when it was first created by Bob Nystrom and Cameron Laird as part of their Master's thesis at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Since then, many people have contributed to improving its design and usability including Ross Moore (who also wrote Cuckoo) and others who worked on CPython itself!

python unit test framework

There are actually many Python testing automation tools available for you to choose from. And there are a lot of factors that play into choosing which one is the best for your project. Firstly, the number of users: Python has become one of the most popular languages in recent years, and this should be taken into account when determining which tool will suit your needs.

One thing I like about Python is that its open source and easy to modify, so if you find yourself working on something similar to what another developer already wrote but want something more specific or better suited to your particular needs (such as adding new features), then you can quickly adapt their code by yourself without having any issues with copyright laws or licensing agreements related to what they created originally (which could potentially cause problems later down the road). Another advantage here is having access.

Automation testing is a must-have for every software project. Automation testing tools help developers and testers in creating a robust and efficient testing environment with the minimum time and cost. The future of Python-based automation testing frameworks is bright. Considering the fact that Python is one of the most popular scripting languages on the planet; this fact is even more self-evident.

We hope that this article has been helpful in helping you decide which python automation testing tool is right for your project. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out!

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