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The Ultimate Guide To Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 5:00 PM EDT. August 2, 2022.

continuous integration guide

Software development is hard. It's even harder to do it in a way that ensures the quality of your code, and yet, it's also important to make sure that you're not spending too much time on getting things right. The software development industry is moving towards more automated processes so that developers don't have to worry about tedious debugging or setting up continuous integration (CI) or continuous delivery (CD). While this may seem like a lot of work now, it will save you time later down the road when bugs start popping up left and right because nothing was properly tested before being deployed on production servers. So what are these terms? And how do they work together?

Continuous integration and continuous delivery, also known as CI/CD, are two of the most important concepts in software development today. But what exactly is CI/CD? And why should you care? In our Ultimate Guide to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery article, we will walk you through the basics of each process, provide a bunch of resources and tools that will make it easier for you to integrate your team into these processes, and give you advice on how to get started today!

CI/CD in a Nutshell...

CI/CD are software development process that generally aims to ensure each change made in one part of the software has been immediately tested, integrated and deployed to production. CI/CD allows teams to quickly develop, adopt, and test software at scale whilst reducing time-to-market for new features.

They are often misunderstood and misused.

software developement

What Is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration is the process of integrating all the different parts of a software system into a single program. This can be done by merging code changes into a central repository, running automated tests on it and confirming that they pass, and then making any necessary corrections.

Continuous Delivery (CD) is similar to CI but also involves automating deployment whenever there's new code added to the repository.

What Is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

Continuous delivery is a DevOps approach to software development that aims to reduce the time it takes to update and deploy new code. This can be done by automating manual processes, such as manual testing, configuration management and deployment automation.

Continuous delivery refers to an ongoing process of releasing new features or updates into production in short intervals rather than waiting for months or years between releases. It also ensures that your teams are always working on the latest code base with minimum risk of breaking something else in production since everything is being tested before going live in production.

The Benefits of CI/CD

One of the most valuable aspects of software development is how often you can release your application. This practice leads to a strong, widely available application and helps internal consumers find it easy to use. These are just some benefits of continuous integration and continuous delivery – two methods for building software faster, more safely and with higher quality.


Why CI/CD Is So Important For Teams

CI, which stands for “continuous integration”, means that your code is automatically tested against its own requirements before it goes into production. This allows you to catch errors early on, which speeds up development time. CD, which stands for “continuous delivery”, means that your software is automatically deployed at regular intervals (like every day or week) so it can be used immediately by users after being released. CD helps reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary testing and deployment steps since everything is automated once ready; this also increases productivity by reducing the amount of time spent manually deploying code each day/week/month etc., thus increasing overall company profits!

How To Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery?

Continuous Integration is the process of continuously building your code, testing it and then deploying it.

This can be done by creating a build pipeline, testing pipeline and deployment pipeline.

A build pipeline includes all the steps needed to get your code from source control to the production environment. These include: build (this compiles your code), test (this executes unit tests against it), package & deploy (this packages up everything in a format suitable for deployment).

A monitoring system will track issues that arise during CI & CD so they can be fixed quickly before they cause problems with customers or end users.

Continuous delivery is an approach to software development that aims to automate the entire process. It's meant to eliminate manual steps and allow developers to focus on what they do best: writing code and building products.

In a nutshell, continuous delivery involves:

  • Automating build and deployment processes so that developers can focus on creating new features instead of spending time waiting for things to compile or deploy.

  • Using automation tools such as Jenkins or TravisCI (or any other CI service) to run tests against each new release before it goes live; helps ensure that all changes have been tested thoroughly before being deployed into production environments such as Heroku or AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

CI-CD integration

In conclusion...

Continuous integration and continuous delivery are two of the most important practices in software development today. CI, or “continuous” in this case, refers to the practice of integrating code into a shared repository and running automated tests on those changes before they are deployed.

Continuous integration is a practice that allows developers to easily integrate their code into the main branch of their project. This process is better known as “pushing” your code to GitHub or Bitbucket, where it can be tested by other people on different machines with different software versions. This way, you can get a much clearer picture of what works and doesn't work in your program before it goes live with users.

Continuous delivery, on the other hand, is when companies deploy new code frequently without any testing first (putting themselves at risk of running into bugs). If done correctly though (and only after enough testing), this will allow businesses to ship faster than ever before.

If you would like to learn more about software testing, DevOps and CI/CD, BusyQA can help! We offer top-quality instructional courses taught by expert instructors. Best of all, our courses include a paid CO-OP internship which will give you the experience you need to achieve success. Each one of Canada's top 100 companies have hired our graduates - and YOU can be next. Click here to get started.


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