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Top 10 Programming Languages That Will Land You Your DREAM IT Career In 2022 & Beyond

Kazeem Razaq @K.Razaq / 5:00 PM EDT. July 22, 2022.


It's really not difficult to work with a particular programming language. It takes some effort, but once you get the hang of it there is no stopping you. But the question Is, which programming language is the best? Will the best programming languages change over time? Which programming languages are able to give you an edge over other programmers in the recruitment process?

Let's take a look at the 10 high-profile programming languages which will get you a high-paying IT career in 2022 & beyond.

The industry is constantly changing. When they built the first computer, engineers needed to learn how to program it. Now, you can use a smartphone and run apps without ever touching a keyboard. In 2022, computers will get smarter than us - and part of that brainpower will be driven by artificial intelligence. What does this mean for your career? It depends on which programming language you know.


Programming is a very hot field to get into. If you want to be an application developer, then you need to learn as many languages as possible. In this article, I will share with you my list of the top 10 programming languages that will get you a job in 2022 and beyond.

Programming is the language of the future, but more than that, it's one of the skills that are in constant demand. The big companies are starting to look at it as a way to grow and stay competitive. In fact, the top companies with the most competitive IT departments have all started to build their own internal programming teams. You can use this knowledge to get a good-paying job immediately on your first day and you'll be positioned for lifetime security.


What are the Most Popular Programming Languages?

Here's an overview of the top 10 programming languages that will get you your dream IT career in 2022 & beyond:

1. Python


Python is a general-purpose programming language that's easy to learn and use. It’s also one of the most popular languages out there, used by many companies and organizations around the world.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by programmers today. It was originally created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 at Bell Labs, but it was released in 1997 under an open source license after being renamed "Bourne Shell".

This means it will likely be around for years to come, which makes it ideal for learning your way into tech industry jobs in 2022 and beyond!

Learn how to program Python easily and quickly with our online python class. Click here to join thousands of our graduates who have all been enrolled in Canada's top 100 companies. There are other free resources you can get your hands on like LearnPython Stack Overflow. These resources will teach you all about syntax, variables, functions and types etc., which are essential building blocks when learning any new language!

2. JavaScript


JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive elements on websites. JavaScript is used to create websites that are interactive, dynamic and responsive. There are many different types of JavaScript frameworks out there which can help you build various kinds of applications using this language.

Web Development: If you want to become a web developer then this would be one of the best choices for learning how to code in JavaScript. JavaScript has been around since 1995 when Netscape released its first version called “Netscape Navigator” which was later renamed as Netscape Communicator 2 years later when Microsoft acquired it through their acquisition deal with AOL where they bought 100% ownership rights from AOL Inc., which resulted in both companies merging together into one entity called Microsoft Corporation before being split again into two separate entities: One being Windows Azure Platform while another being their cloud services division called “Azure Cloud Compute” (which includes Azure IaaS).

3. Java

Java is one of the most popular programming languages and it has been used by millions of developers worldwide. It was initially developed by Sun Microsystems and now it has been adopted by many other companies as well. Java is an object-oriented programming language that allows developers to create applications with great ease. This language has become very popular because it offers fast development cycles, which makes it ideal for businesses that need to build fast apps and websites

Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. It was developed by Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. Java derives from C++ and adds garbage collection, concurrency support, and a virtual machine for performance optimization. As of 2018, it is the most popular programming language on GitHub with over 700,000 repositories using its framework or toolkits (e.g., Spring Boot).

Java programs can be executed on any platform where an interpreter can be found—for example Linux, Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows operating systems; Android devices; iOS devices; web browsers such as Chrome OS/Chrome OS-powered Chromebooks etcetera.

4. C#


C# is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional and classic object-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative. The language includes support for C-style syntax but also supports some of the new features found in newer versions of the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI).

5. C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It was developed in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell Laboratories and released as free software under the GNU General Public License (GPL) in 1989. C++ is mainly used for creating applications, games, operating systems, web browsers and mobile apps.

C++ has many benefits, primarily the ability to write programs faster than other languages such as Java or Python, because it offers more features like classes and objects which allow you to create complex programs faster than other languages do.

6. PHP

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that was originally created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. It's often used to build dynamic websites, but it can also be used to create applications and other tools. PHP is an open-source language that's free for anyone to use, which means you don't have to pay any licensing fees if you want to use it yourself—just like Python!

PHP has many modern features like object-oriented programming (OOP), database connectivity and security measures built into its core library itself. If these aren't enough for you then check out our list of top PHP frameworks below:

7. Swift

Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS operating systems. Swift has been named after its creator Chris Lattner.

Swift is a high-level language with a syntax that is similar to Objective-C but it is simpler, more flexible and maintainable.

8. Go

Go is a statically typed language, meaning that types are checked at compile time. This helps prevent errors during compilation and improves the performance of your program by improving its type safety.

Go is also a general-purpose programming language with many different features such as concurrency support, garbage collection and more.

Go programs are compiled into machine code for execution on computers or operating systems (OS). The compiler can be used to generate machine code from Go source files or pass in an existing binary executable file as input; it supports C-style syntax extensions such as #include files or #define macros so you can use third-party libraries in your projects without needing to rewrite them in Go!

9. Ruby


Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. It has been around since the early 1990s and is a very popular choice for web development. Since it's open source, you can find tons of resources online to learn Ruby.

Ruby is great for beginners because it makes learning easier by providing a lot of examples that you can use in your code right away. The syntax may seem odd at first (it uses curly braces instead of brackets), but after some time spent with this language, you'll feel right at home without ever having learned anything else before!

If you want to build web applications using Rails or other frameworks such as Sinatra or Padrino then this would be an ideal choice because these tools are built around Ruby itself so they will run on almost every platform imaginable including iOS devices which might not have access otherwise due simply being too expensive compared with other options available today."

10. TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and compiles to plain JavaScript. It adds optional typing, classes, and better control over how the language is used. TypeScript can be used with any framework or library written in JavaScript (including React).

If you’re looking for a job and want to learn one of these languages, it’s important that you do your research and find a class or school that meets your needs. You should also keep in mind that knowing only one language won't help you get hired at all. So take the time to learn about all the possibilities available before diving into any new ones.

While most of us get excited as new languages come out, it's important to know what you're looking at. We wanted to make a list that would take into account the current trends, and tell you all about the programming languages of the future, so you know where to focus your efforts if you want to keep a good job.

At busyQA, we make it simple for you to learn any of these high-in-demand programming languages, with our up-to-date courses and highly experienced instructors, you are just one click away from becoming the best and better programmer, click here to see our course outlines.

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